Announcement – 02/09/2020
Substantially revised 18/10/2020

- ESA Winter 2021 will be held between 12-21 February at the Quality Hotel View
- It will be a hybrid online/live event with the option for each run to be performed from home
- In line with Folkhälsomyndigheten rules, attendance will be capped at 50
- The event will be raising money for Alzheimerfonden
- Game Submissions will open on December 6th
ESA Winter has already evolved since this post was first written. Announced on a live stream on 18/10/2020, ESA is scaling down the on site element of ESA Winter. Due to the worsening infection situation across Europe, Swedish decision makers have held the gathering restriction at 50 with no timeline for a change. Furthermore we believe the climate and appetite for travel will not have improved in February, with limited flight routes and prices.
This means we will once again be welcoming runners from across the world at ESA Winter to play off-site from home, while maintaining as many of the live production elements as possible.
In 2021 ESA Winter will be in aid of Alzheimerfonden and ESA Summer will be raising money for Save the Children.
A fully flexible cancellation policy will be introduced for this event for those that change their minds or need to cancel up until 7 days before the event.
The world is still not what it was a year ago. ESA is following the recommendations set by the Swedish Public Health Authority and working with Nordic Choice Hotels to uphold their Safe Stay Guidelines.
Game Submissions will open on December 6th. Hope you’ve got them ready!