ESA is an event held for hundreds of people from all around the world attending on site. Culture, personal beliefs and social norms may differ between attendees. To make sure the event runs smoothly there are rules and guidelines, beyond laws and hotel requests, that we expect everyone attending our event to follow.
Attendees violating the code of conduct may be asked to leave the event without refund. Be aware that violating the code of conduct outside of the time of an ESA event may prohibit you from participating in future events.
All reports against the code of conduct will be handled confidentially and with discretion by the Safety Representative. We may wish to share information onwards to other events if we believe it to be relevant, should this become the case we will discuss it with the relevant parties.
The Safety Representative may be contacted via security@crew.esamarathon.com

ESA Safety Representative

ESA Safety Assistant
Harassment, threats, and assault
Responsibility to investigate complaints lies with the Safety Representative. The core mission of the Safety Representative is to ensure that no person(s) circulates around the event who presents a current risk to others. Wide discretion lies with the representative to decide what falls within this scope, in line with the full safeguarding policy.
Contact the Safety Representative as soon as possible with as many details as possible if any of the following apply
- You have been harassed or assaulted at ESA
- You are aware of a case of harassment or assault that has not been investigated by the Safety Representative
- You have been harassed or assaulted outside of ESA, and have reason to believe the person is likely to attend ESA
- You are aware of somebody who is likely to attend ESA who you have reason to believe is a high risk to attendees
Your report is never time wasting. The Safety Representative of ESA will follow the internal safeguarding process and ultimately make a decision whether or not the person(s) in question require exclusion from the event.
Etiquette and culture
- Badges must be worn and visible at all times when attending the event space, and shown on request to any volunteer who requests to see it
- Attendees may not enter crew only areas without an invitation and good reason
- Weapons, real or imitation, are forbidden
- Napping in the event space is forbidden
- Rooms must be used for their defined purpose
- Stickers and other markings must not be placed on any property without the owners permission
- Attendees should not be intoxicated while in the event space
- Attendees should shower daily
The security team reserves the right to take action to exclude person(s) for any reason, even if the rules applied are not stated within this code of conduct.
Sickness and ill health
One golden rule: Self exclude when sick
If you develop new and persistent symptoms from the below list you should exercise caution towards your fellow attendees and not visit the event space. Arrange for someone else to collect your belongings from the event space and if you are a volunteer inform your team leader that you will be unavailable until you feel better.
- Cough, Fever, Runny or stuffy nose, Altered sense of taste or smell, Sore throat, Headache, Nausea, Muscle pain, Stomach, Diarrhea
If you appear unwell on the event floor you may be approached by event safety or an organiser for further information.
Hotel Rules and Guidelines
Around the hotel and conference space you are required to:
- Not consume hot, cooked, or smelly food from outside of the hotel in any of the public areas.
- Cold food may be consumed in ESA event spaces (salads, sandwiches, drinks).
- Snacks may be consumed if kept tidy
- Not consume alcohol bought outside of the hotel in any of the public areas.
- Not smoke in the hotel or at the entrance.
- The hotel requests smokers to walk at least 20 meters away from the entrance.
- Keep the hotel and surrounding area clean and free from litter.
Additional Stream Area Rules and Guidelines
While being visible on stream you are expected to act in a way that upholds the values of ESA and keep a positive and functioning environment.
A screen with chat is available in the runner area. This may be disabled upon request, however if you’re used to streaming with a chat open we suggest having it there as a reminder there is also an audience at home! You may respond directly or indirectly to questions about your game.
- Runners and commentators must not
- Break any Twitch Terms of Service or be banned on Twitch
- Backseat moderate or acknowledge negativity in chat.
- Runners and commentators may wear sponsored or branded clothing
- Audience members must not interfere with or pull attention from the runs, runners or working volunteers.
- Any individual banned on Twitch is also banned from appearing on stream.
- The production team must be made aware of “practical jokes” planned or intended during a run
- Runners and volunteers may remove commentators at any time during a run.
- Do not distract volunteers who are currently on shift.
- On screen data is taken from the registration tool, please keep your profile up to date
Contact and information
If you have any questions regarding our code of conduct, you can contact us by emailing security@crew.esamarathon.com.