ESA main marathons raise money for a cause by soliciting donations in return for goals, just like a week long television telethon. Details of our current charity is below
Alzheimerfonden is a Swedish Alzheimer’s Foundation which supports all types of research on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia diseases. Applications for grants are assessed according to scientific quality. The goal of the Council’s work is to get maximum dividends on the research money for affected patients and their relatives.
Alzheimerfonden also encourages collaboration between researchers at different universities. The goal of the Alzheimerfonden is to be an important research financier in this work. In the absence of effective medicines, it is also important to research the best preventive measures for Alzheimer’s disease.
“Alzheimers Game Over” (english microsite) https://www.alzheimersgameover.com/
Alzheimerfonden (Swedish) https://www.alzheimerfonden.se/